Saturday, February 22, 2014

Water comes in many packages

Whether it falls from the sky as snow, hail or rain, water comes in many sizes and shapes.
A few inches of snow in Seattle, WA (Feb. 2014)
A drought in California and the Washington mountains being under their usual full percentage of snow is putting pressure on water providers in the West.

No matter what color your skin, no religion, no culture can survive without water.

There are tales of highly spiritual individuals turning brackish water into something drinkable by blessing it, but the greater percentage of the world's population may not be able to reproduce that event, so drinkable water is essential.

Each one of us must take some responsibility for helping to keep our water resources clean.

If you are taking medications, think carefully about how you dispose of expired prescriptions. Please do  not flush them into your septic or sewer systems. Instead, (whether yours of that of a family member) contact the pharmacy that issued the medication to see if they have a disposal policy or know where you can deposit the outdated chemicals.

In the coming weeks I will be offering up some other ideas for ways we can take small, personal actions to help keep our aquifers, lakes, streams and oceans in good health, for our own good health.

Oh, and while I cannot make medical claims for the Kangan water, I can share this experience I had this week. I had developed a tooth/gum inflammation before the machine arrived. I drank 4-6 glasses of 9.5 micro clustered water every day and one before bedtime. Along with extra powdered garlic and tumeric capsules, I was able to eliminate the issue altogether.

Friday, February 7, 2014

It's been a long time in the works, but I finally had the funds and the time to become a distributor of Kangan Water, and my machine arrives in a few days.

Here is my website, if you want to learn more about this amazing, wonderful, healthful device:

For myself this water has been nothing short of bringing me new life. I was suffering with back pain and the beginning of arthritis, but daily water along with a change in my nutritional support has made a huge difference!

I am looking forward to having my own source. And learning more about how this water can change lives.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A new beginning…. learning about water, how it can heal and help. Join me on this journey and let's all learn how good water can change everyone's life.